“50% of a managers time is spent resolving people problems related to trust and poor communication”
US News and World Report, 2002

Accomplish More with the Staff You Have in Place!
We help companies cut costs and increase productivity by minimizing stress in the work place created by fragmented leadership teams who are struggling with communication issues and turf wars.

We specialize in conflict resolution.

1. Improve Your Operational Efficiency

We help companies cut costs and increase productivity by minimizing stress in the work place created by fragmented leadership teams who are struggling with communication issues and turf wars. We specialize in conflict resolution.

We will help you:

  1. Reduce management time spent on handling employee conflict;
  2. Minimize destructive turf issues that cost companies millions each year as management scrambles for power;
  3. Train staff in negotiating strategies for resolving differences;
  4. Improve manager/employee relations through increased understanding and enhanced communication skills.

One recent study showed that 50 percent of the typical employeeʼs job satisfaction is determined by the quality of his/her relationship with the manager. We teach skills essential for holding your team together and helping them function as a ʻwell oiled machineʼ.

2. Decrease Employee Turnover

Too often top employees leave. Good replacements are hard to find and expensive to train. Employee turnover is costing money and hurting operations. And youʼre the one under pressure to fix things… Understanding the cause of employee turnover is the first step in being able to control and manage the most costly problem to organizations.

Using an example from the health care industry, Cigna (2000) calculated that the cost of replacing 288 employees per year (in a hospital with 200 beds employing 1200 persons with a turnover rate of 2% per month) was $2,888,295.52 when all sources of costs
were analyzed.

We help companies reduce employee turnover by helping them engineer an environment that encourages employee growth and builds a culture of trust.

    * Selecting appropriate feedback for praise and recognition
    * Ways to confront non-compliance that create minimum or no conflict
    * Power words to connect with each personality style

3. Improve Employee Morale

Low employee morale costs corporations trillions each year and results in declining productivity, job-related injuries, absenteeism and turnover.

The January 24, 2001 issue of the Wall Street Journal reported "…labor turnover is one of the most significant causes of declining productivity and sagging morale.”

We help companies accomplish more with the staff that is currently in place.

    * We Reduce Conflict in the workplace which drives a Decrease in Turnover.
    * The Decrease in Turnover drives an Increase in Employee Morale.
    * Heightened Employee Moral drives a greater number of Engaged Employees.

4. Enhance Customer Loyalty

    * Engaged Employees drive Customer Loyalty.
    * Customer Loyalty drives Sustainable Growth.
    * Sustainable Growth drives Real Profit Increase!

Let us help you develop engaged employees who will, in turn, delight your client base.

Contact us at: contact@TrueNorthTrainingSolutions.com